Art Fees
We are happy to offer the following art service plans:
Level 1: FREE!
Customer has either a) a vector artwork logo that is ready to print, with specific PMS Colors available or b) a raster image meeting the requirements stated in the Art Setup Guidelines; OR
Customer needs help with a very layout that requires 15 minutes or less of design time.
Maximum of 1 proof exchange.
Level 2: $25
Customer has a non-vector logo of simple-to-average complexity. Artist will convert the logo to vector format and layout the design.
Maximum of 3 proof exchanges.
Level 3: $50
Customer has a non-vector logo of above average complexity. Artist will convert the logo to vector format and layout the design.
Maximum of 4 proof exchanges.
Level 4: $75
Customer has a non-vector logo with a complex design.
Artist will convert the logo to vector format and layout the design.
Maximum of 4 proof exchanges.
Level 5: $100
Artist will design a new logo from scratch (or your concept).
Base fee covers up to 4 hours of design time. Additional hours will be billed at our standard hourly design rate.
Maximum of 5 proof exchanges.
Hourly: $50 / hour
If you have anything else you need help on, we're happy to help you at a flat hourly rate.