Art Setup Guidelines
Vector vs. Raster?
Vector images (created in programs such as Adobe Illustrator) can be enlarged almost indefinitely while still retaining sharp lines, clean edges and consistent colors.
Raster images (such as photos or images created in Adobe Photoshop) are pixel-based and lose clarity when the image is enlarged. Though we can print high quality, high-resolution raster files, we cannot guarantee quality or color matching.
While a raster file might be sufficient for printing smaller items like business cards or letterhead, because of the large format nature of our printing, Vector files are STRONGLY preferred over raster files. Please use these types of files for any logos, illustrations or fonts whenever possible.
Resolution & Pixel-Based Images
If you need to use pixel-based images, they must have a minimum resolution of 100ppi (pixels per inch), though larger sizes are preferred.
Image resolutions at capture should be appropriate for the final printed output size.
Application Formats
Adobe Illustrator® 8.0 to CS5
Adobe Photoshop® 6.0 to CS5
File types: TIFF, EPS, PSD or PDF
NOTE: If you are working with Adobe InDesign®, please export to one of the above file types.
Templates are provided for all of our core products. Please select the appropriate template for the product/size you are purchasing.
Each template provides instructions specific to that product.
DO NOT RESIZE ANY TEMPLATES. Templates are preset to work with our printers at an appropriate scale.
We’re bringing you back to kindergarten – all you have to do is color within the lines!
If you require a color match, you must use Pantone colors and specify the appropriate PMS color(s) on the template.
Pantone® solid coated colors will be closely matched when vector art is submitted as an EPS file.
Colors submitted as CMYK will be printed to their closest Pantone equivalent.
Prevent inconsistent black colors by using rich black throughout your file. You can create a custom color for “rich black” by using: Cyan=0% | Magenta=0% | Yellow=0% | Black=100%.
Reviewing Your File
Convert all fonts to outlines/paths.
Confirm colors.
Confirm file types.
List any special requests or specifications needed.
Submitting Art
You will have the option to upload art after you add an item to your cart. This is the preferred method, as it eliminates any confusion with matching art to an order.
If you do not have art ready at the time of ordering or can’t upload for any reason, please use one of the following options:
For files under 5MB, email to
For files over 5MB, use a service such as, or another FTP service.